Monday, August 11, 2014

I refuse to give up!

I got my vent a few weeks ago and have used it for going to acupuncture, a short shopping trip with Æmilia for her birthday and for a quick shopping trip with Chris.
It is almost too much work to use it.
Strapping on the unit is easy.  Carrying one tank is not hard but negotiating the damn hoses that are too long is a royal P.I.T.A.  I need to use bigger tanks which wasn't supposed to happen.  I am using more O2 than I did on the demo.  Obviously there is no solution to moving easily without dragging O2.  But I CAN walk with it whereas I'd usually need a wheelchair or scooter to go out.
I guess it is time to accept my limitations.   So what if I shouldn't be alive at this point.  I REFUSE to give into this crap called IPF!!!