Monday, September 17, 2012

Medical History

If I can figure out what I am doing this will be the place I can track just about everything that I need to in preparation for the lung transplant I will most likely need within 3 to 5 years.if things don't stabalize with my *&*)(%#&@@&() lungs.  Not a happy camper today.   Finally got my head around having a lung biopsy but not that I have what is called a terminal illness.

I;m on nightly oxygen and can't move at more than a snails pace without getting short of breath if I don't have it on but I'm still working and want to keep working as long as possible but it is getting harder every day.

Medical History

Born at 7 months but had strong lungs then.  Both parents smoked.  I never did.
At age 13 my Grandma died and my mother swore I was so upset I gave myself asthma.
Spent the next few years getting allergy tests and weekly cortisone shots that did little to control my breathing.
By age 20 I had an alburtol inhaler with me constantly but never thought it did much good.
Yearly bronchitis and one two ER visits for breathing problems but I swore never to go back when at about age 35 I was given 4 shots of adrenalin to get me to stop wheezing during an ER visit,  I left before they(Mather Hospital) could give me a fifth and make my heart jump out of my body. 
I remember a drug named Theofalin but no others.  I never stopped wheezing, 

At age 41 I got a divorce and moved from NY to GA.  My asthma pretty much went away.  Moving to TX a year later I was pretty much sympton free for many years. 
A bout with pneumonia at age 50 and then yearly bronchitis in the fall followed.
I was fat but had no other medical problems.  No hospitalizations.  No major illnesses.
Did have testing for thyroid problems after a complete physical.  I was exercising every day plus walking an hour a day and eating almost nothing but still not losing weight.  Final advice was to cut down to 800 calories a day and to keep up the 2 hours a day of moving a lot.  Didn't work. Gave up and stayed fat.

At age 54, on Thurs, Oct 20th we were traveling from TX to GA and I became very sick.  By the time we got to GA I was coughing constantly and spitting up flem.  Diagnosed with bronchitis,  Given a Z Pak.and prendisone by Dr Mefford in Houston.  Mentioned my purple fingers when  was cold.  Told it is Renyauds ('s_phenomenon ) and to keep my hands warm.

Dec. 5th I was still sick and after going to the eye doctor I went to an Emergency Clinic where I was Xrayed and told I had pneumonia again.  Was given a 10 day antibiotic, prendisone and liquid albutoral for my nebulizer, which of course I couldn't find.  Bought a new one.  What a waste of money.  Found out later with pulmonary testing that it did me no good.  (which is what I always believed in the past0
Was advised to find a pulmonologist because my fingers were purple.  Still couldn't breathe well so I made an appointment with Dr. Louis D:Avignon

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