Saturday, February 2, 2013


Still eating 1200 calories (or a bit less) per day. Meeting my goals for division of carbs, fats and protien but I;m not losing weight. It is making me crazy.

trying to change oxygen companies to get three bottles so I can make it through the day but the new company delivered a Homefill unit that won't work. Even Brye couldn't get it going and she can usually fix anything.
No one available on the weekends and no answer as to loaners for travel. I'm not a happy camper.
I wish I had the money to just buy my own concentrator. Had a bit of a panic attack Friday night thinking about what would happen if the damn machine stopped working. Guess I'd sit at the hospitalor in Mark's office.
Chris doesn't want me to but I'm buying a used concentrator somehow. I'll worry about a portable later.

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