Friday, May 16, 2014

Shar came for four days last week and it was great.  I ended up having too many dr appts and it was nice to have her with me when I saw Marks.  We are considering Rituxan rather than Cytoxan because I really can not tolerate throwing up and possibly aspirating again.
Marx is trying to get insurance approval.  We'll have to wait and see.
Arizmendi sent me to see Greiner to make sure the wicked fluid retention in my leg wasn't due to heart issues.  An EKG and Echo later I am fine and I think we finally have the swelling under control and the cellulitis gone.  At least my leg doesn't hurt as bad anymore.  More Scripts... Potassium and magnesium.

Shar has offered to take a leave of absence when I feel I need someone here 24/7.  She is worried I'll be afraid but I'm really not yet.  I don't want to die.  I REALLY don't want to.  I want to see all my babies grow up but it isn't going to happen.  It is so hard to move at all now but if I stay still and calm I can breathe easily and be ok.  Existing more than living but it's better than not existing.  I still have lots of books to read, sewing projects to plan and conversations to have.

Ann brought the kids over and they went swimming.  Gareth liked his Dominos but Æmilia really loved the art kit and clay.   They played lots of games on the iPads after dinner.  Grandpa brought Firehouse subs because his middle appt. canceled then they couldn't even quote the last appt due to mold.

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