Friday, December 26, 2014


Starting Cytoxan in pill form tomorrow.  Marx wanted me to do infusions but we have a $5000 deductible which would need to be met.  The Rituxan infusions i did last month did no good and cost $14,000 each!
Still grasping at straws.   Also trying to get approval for Ofev, which was approved for IPF in Oct.

My latest blood work shows the same amount of inflammation plus my Vitamin D and B12 are still low despite 50,000 units of D plus B12 shots weekly.  I am also anemic again.
Not looking forward to losing my hair.  I may freeze this winter.

Can't walk at all without wanting to pass out. Saturation rate goes into the 70's then lower if I continue to move.  Up to 8 to 10 lpm 24/7.  Still feel out of breath at times.  Diffusion rate down to 12.

Good news is the insurance approved a wheelchair and it should be here this coming week.

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