Thursday, January 24, 2013

Still dragging a bit but the diet is working pretty well.
Lost 6 pounds over the last two weeks.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

So I started a diet log

I downloaded a MyFitness log onto the iPad and have been religously keeping track of a 1200 calorie diet. Eating hree meals a day with snacks other than eating only after work.
It is not easy to eat 1200 "good" calories a day. I'd been eating about 950 to 1000 and not losing anything. I'd been told for ages I didn't eat enough but I guess everyone was correct because i'm down 5 pounds this week

Not the easiest of weeks otherwise. My breathing is not good.Lots of choaking in the morning if I sleep in bed or in the chair even with the Musinex.
INR still ok.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Another mountain to climb w/no oxygen

Finally got a call from Martha on the transplant team and they won't see me because my BMI is too high. In other words I am too fat. BMI has to be under 30 and I'm at 45. I asked what weight that would be and she said about 160. She really seemed like she wanted to get off the phone as I asked more questions.

They have that I have Lupus. I explained that Marx says she hasn't diagnosed me with any specific auto immune disease although my markers are high for a bunch and that D'Avignon was who said I had Lupus before refusing to treat me anymore.

She was surprised I'm still working and active. said sorry she couldn't help me. I asked if they'd consider me if I lost the weight. I asked how the rest of my profile looked. We talked about my mess with D'Avignon, Marx's lack of diagnosis and my activity level.

She finally offered that I should call Methodist to get into their pulmonary rehab program. Called Marks for a referral.
She said they may be able to help with what I asked for ages ago; a way to exercise and keep my SAT rate up enough not to want to pass out.

Said to call her when I've lost 40 pounds and have 40 to go.

Going home to empty the cupboards of all food Chris doesn't eat. Eating light hasn't worked. Maybe a water, veggies, no dairy, no meat diet will work.
Guess the potato soup is going down the sink. It's just potatoes, onion and water but probably high in calories anyway.

Damn I am scared again.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


The tea kettle above is one I've obcessed over for years. I actually dragged Chris to the Lennox Square Mall in Atlanta because it was the only place that I could see it south of NY.
Over the years I've looked at it at Neimans then Val got a little colonder from her mother-in-law in that pattern and it renewed my crazy obcessive want but I could never bring myself to spend $125 on somtthing so frivoulous.

A few days ago I made it my profile pic on BC. Covert commented on it and I told my obcession story.

Yesterday the Fed Ex girl came and I casually opened a box and almost fainted to find the tea kettle in front of me.
A BC friend, flossie771 Marcia Vaughn. said she was sending me a gift but I expected a wishlist book. I couldn't believe she saw my story and bought me my obcession. She said she felt compelled to buy it and she went with her feelings. She said SHE was blessed to be able to get it for me. I can't stop crying over her generosity.
I give to my friends on BC and try to do random good deeds like paying for the person behind me at McD;s or Starbucks in the mornings (gave my last $2 to a homeless guy on DeZavala just 1/2 an hour before receiving the kettle) but this makes my efforts seem feeble.

My week: Worked on the 31st until about 3 then came home and listened to the fireworks noise from abour 6pm to 2 am
1st we did almost nothing. B was supposed to come over but she was sick.
2nd Went into work at 9 then took the boys to Gymboree where Margo met us. Was using my oxygen and not feeling great and she suggested I see if I could see Marks. No antibiotic. Lungs the same as last week.
3rd Danny & Margo to Dallas until Sat. Picked up the guys at school then we had a good day. Chris stopped to check my antifreeze. he'd left the cap off. Hard night. Boys woke a few times.
4th Sonja and Richard came early at about noon and I met Chris at Sams then we went to Einsteins for a quick lunch before his next appt. Sold one today.