Friday, January 11, 2013

Another mountain to climb w/no oxygen

Finally got a call from Martha on the transplant team and they won't see me because my BMI is too high. In other words I am too fat. BMI has to be under 30 and I'm at 45. I asked what weight that would be and she said about 160. She really seemed like she wanted to get off the phone as I asked more questions.

They have that I have Lupus. I explained that Marx says she hasn't diagnosed me with any specific auto immune disease although my markers are high for a bunch and that D'Avignon was who said I had Lupus before refusing to treat me anymore.

She was surprised I'm still working and active. said sorry she couldn't help me. I asked if they'd consider me if I lost the weight. I asked how the rest of my profile looked. We talked about my mess with D'Avignon, Marx's lack of diagnosis and my activity level.

She finally offered that I should call Methodist to get into their pulmonary rehab program. Called Marks for a referral.
She said they may be able to help with what I asked for ages ago; a way to exercise and keep my SAT rate up enough not to want to pass out.

Said to call her when I've lost 40 pounds and have 40 to go.

Going home to empty the cupboards of all food Chris doesn't eat. Eating light hasn't worked. Maybe a water, veggies, no dairy, no meat diet will work.
Guess the potato soup is going down the sink. It's just potatoes, onion and water but probably high in calories anyway.

Damn I am scared again.

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