Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Vest

Today at PT I tried "the Vest"  which is exactly that; a vest that inflates and then shakes the heck out of your lungs.  Weird but kind of comforting feeling.
Tammy put it on me for ten minutes.  It was so much better than having someone pound on your back to loosen the phlegm.  My cough was totally different after I did it.
It isn't approved for use in Pulmonary Fibrosis patients but is widely used in Cystic Fibrosis.   Tammy thinks I will qualify for use because of my history and symptoms.  I hope so.  Damn machine is $16,000.    Total madness!   Gotta get an Acapella flutter valve.

Ann & Glenn are packing the truck tomorrow for the move here!  Sold their house in 5 days!  How's that for good karma?

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