Friday, July 12, 2013

Why you should stay healthy. Portable oxygen.

The major reason to stay healthy is that if the sickness doesn't kill you, dealing with doctors staff and insurance companies will.

The latest saga is trying to, yet again, get a portable oxygen concentrator.
I think the insurance companies figure if you are sick wnough to need oxygen then the Homefill unit with two bottles that only last enough to be out of the house a maximum of 12 hrs a day (set at 2 liters)are all you deservw to have. If you need more you have to buy it yourself.

So what happens if you want to go visit your grandchildren who live 2 hours away? Well you ccan go but you'd better plan well and get home before your tank runs out or you can ask for a loaner portble that your oxygen supplier says you can get if you sign with them. Of course it is NEVER available.

I missed a step-daughters wedding, a shower and a business trip with my husband because none were available. Try finding a rental and you run into a brick wall.

Back to the oxygen supply company.... if you have BC/BS don't try finding another company that says they can fill your need for a portable. They won't. BC/BS pays the suppliers on a buy to own program that makes it impossible to change. Anyone who says they will supply you changes their mind when they find out they might lose the $3600!!!!!! that BC/BS paid for the 1st year. Not to mention the $71 a month co pay.

End of saga 1.

Saga 2
I've been on 50,000mg of Vit D a week for more than a year. Need a refill but the rhumatologists office wants me to have bloodwork to make sure I need it. Haven't NOT needed it forever and other meds haven't changed so why spend $250 to check it? Well it isn't out off pocket they say so why would I complain. But the dr is on maternity leave so no open appts until Aug. Ok, bullied them into a bloodwork visit only on Tues.

Saga 3
Need to have my annual GP appt to have calestarol checked. Call the office to find she isn't practicing anymore but I can get in with her replacement at the end of Aug. Fine for me but hubby needs his diabetes meds renewed. Sorry they can't do that. And no he can't have renewals without an appt. at the end of Aug. So what if he strokes out inbetween.
Tried to find another GP and you would have thought I was asking for donations they way I was laughed at for wanting a quick appt.

Saga 4
Tried to change hubbys appt with his pain dr (too many back/neck/shoulder surgeries) Dr's assistant got snotty about if he had enough meds to last an extra week. She said he'd better not because they really regulate it. WTF??? They drug test him, at his expence, to make sure he uses only what she prescribes.

And should I mention the electricians who wired our house when it was built? Had flickering lights and found out we were lucky the house didn't burn down because the breqker box had wires arching. Just out of warrantee but time to go have a talk with them.

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