Sunday, May 26, 2013

Saw Val & the girls

Val called and said the soccer tournament was canceled so they were going back to Houston early.
They went to the Alamo then met us at the Farmers Market. It was SO wonderful to see them. Poor Bella will not be happy when she gets home. Courtney, her rabbit, died yesterday despite an $800 vet bill a few months ago.
They are going to Sea World in July and I may go with them if I can.
Val offered to write me a letter to BC/BS. I wonder if a letter from the head of orthopedic oncology at one of the biggest cancer hospitals would get notice? Might be worth a try.
She is also going to send me info on a super light scooter one of her patients just got. She is doing a bunch of work related travel this summer and I offered for the girls to come stay if possible. I miss them so much.

Found out more of my limitations today. We parked across the street at Goodwill and I could barely walk to the market. Had to sit even though I turned my oxy all the way up. I am so frustrated and starting to think about gathering the family for what might be a last visit.

Wondering if I need to do lots of letters to the grandkids. How the hell do you die slowly???This truly sucks. Personal pity party time.

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