Saturday, August 24, 2013

Gareth's Birthday

Warren is here for the weekend, he and akk the Beckers stopped over for lunch.  Glenn cooked.  They are now going to "the boots mall" then out to dinner with Johnny and family.
Gareth loved the book with the toys we got him.  Downloaded lots more games on the iPods and Kindle.
Making notes for my End of Life Directive.  Chris really wants to take the job as district manager for W TX and NM.  I am so afraid to even try going to a higher elevation.   Having more nightmares and night terrors.  It has to be connected but I can't seem to stop it. I am so afraid I'll die alone while Chris is away two or more weeks a month.  
The alternative to moving there is two small apartments.  One here, one there.  Lovely last year, living in a complex with noise and a parking place too far away to think about venturing out.  

Yesterday after acupuncture i stopped at B&N for Gareth's gift.  Supposedly had a half charge on the concentrator but it ran out 10 min. into shopping.  Used the charger in the car but not enough of a charge to keep it going to get into the house.  Brye was here and had locked the door.  I totally panicked when I couldn't breathe after wrestling the concentrator out of the car and to the door. Keys in purse under the pile of mail I was holding.   Scariest moment yet.

Told her about the job thing and she suggested us living together.  No way, no how.  I can't and won't ever live with her again.  She reverts to sloppiness too easily and I can' live with messiness I haven't created anymore.  She says she'll move back to UT if we move.  That may be best for her as maybe she can pry her brothers fingers off her inheritance and not have to work.  Told her to file for bankruptcy.  The courts will get her money for her.  Her brother is screwing her royal.  She lives in an apartment while her nieces and nephews get houses on her dime. Why she won't hire an attorney baffles  me.

Chris is on his way home early.  He set all the appts this morning.  Sold his 10 with a credit reject. 4:00 canceled.

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