Saturday, August 17, 2013

Saw Marks on Thursday

Might change Imuran for Cellcept.  Thinking of upping prendisone
Getting approval for The Vest.  Renewed approval for Pulmonary Therapy.
Talked about end of life directives and hospice care.
Also about a med approved for use in China which is in trials here.
I may try to contact Chung to see if he can help me get some from there.  Not sure of the legalities but what could they do to me?  Put me in jail and then maybe give me a lung transplant so I don't die there? Lol. Forgot to ask about medical mary J for cooking.
He said morphine when I need it but I really hate it if it makes me feel  like what i did after the lung biopsy.  Rather shoot myself.
Probably doing another right heart cath because of the chest pain I've been having. At least the last one wasn't bad.yeah, will owe Baptist yet another $2000 that they won't put on a combined bill.  More phone calls.

Odette left. Met new PA Heather.  Nice young woman.

He is also trying, yet again, to push for a portable concentrator.

Have to call him tomorrow to see how his personal life went this weekend.  His 26 yr. old cat is at the vets for transfusions and other hopefully life savings measures.

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