Monday, January 13, 2014

An Eventful Few Months

Sick all of Sept and Oct.  Finally, after two courses of antibiotics I agreed to go into the hospital for testing.  Oh yeah, had a second right heart cath the week or two before I ended up in the hospital.
Was put on Adcirca, which the insurance company spent months denying payment on.  My heart is finally damaged from the lack of oxygen.  Still no approval but we have new insurance so who knows...
Last PT session on Oct 24. When Ann had strep and I was finally convinced to go see Marks again.  Saw Heather instead.

I also saw Dr Saigal, a renal specialist, for the edema and he put me on Lasix up to three times a day.

Back to the hospital stay...
I went in on Monday Nov. 11th   Had a lung scope done on the 12th.  Met Dr Zajac, an infectious disease dr after they found three different infections and thought I may have aspirated something.  (Ya think?!?   With the way I cough and gag I don't doubt it!)
Then they sent in a gastric guy; Margo's cousin Dr Garcia.  He ordered a stomach emptying test to be done on Wed night then again Thurs morning, if I remember correctly.
Almost forgot; I had a cracked rib, from coughing.   Tests showed my stomach isn't working at all.  The juice I drank at 7 on Wed night was still in my stomach at 9 the next day.  
Susequent testing in Dec showed wickedly bad GERD and Barrets Esophagus (mom took me for that testing at NC Baptist). Garcia also diagnosed me, after a cpepcide test, with dysmetabolic syndrom.  Put me on Metformin and I dropped almost 20 lbs in two weeks.

While I was in he hospital Ann and her friends moved a bunch of stuff into our new cottage at Leon Valley.  Three garage sales in Oct and Nov grossed almost $3000.  We sold the pool table, fridge, Chris's tools, some dressers, the coffee table, shelves, the treadmill, camping and Christmas stuff, the patio set, rugs, tons of kitchen stuff, car stuff, the A/C we never opened and lots of little junk. AND we STILL have a full storage unit.  

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