Thursday, March 13, 2014

Been in the cottage for 4 months now and I'm adjusting to my new normal.
Can't walk 5 feet without getting out of breathe.  Dr Marks ordered me a concentrator that will go up to 10 lpm.  I'm currently on 5 all the time now except when filling canisters.    My car wouldn't start last week so i walked to the office slowly.  Coming back I saw "glitter" of white light as I practically crawled home.  No more walks for me.  Dr. Ordered a scooter but insurance reimburses almost nothing.

We are so in debt it is killing us.  Finally got approval for the Adcirca so that is a $2000 headache taken care of but The Vest is going back because they've decided not to approve it for home use.  I can get 7 treatments a month. vs twice a day. Chris had to have a tooth pulled.  Borrowed $500 from Sharon. I've cut down on dr. Appts because of the $35 co-pays.

Met Fanny who moved in behind us. (Chris is still here and probably not going to Alburqueque)  she checks on me often.  Brought over some great cabbage and potatoes last week.

Stan is here visiting Ann this week.  She and the kids stayed over Tues night then they took me to Balance to get pinned. Chris is in Corpus for the week.

Yard sale on Sat.  Sally & Jason will set up so they can move easier next year.

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