Sunday, April 20, 2014

I'm mobile!

After weeks and weeks of trying to get approval for a decent scooter or wheelchair we finally caved in and bought a used one on Craigslist.  After the mess of tring to find a used POC. I was really nervous about spending the money and having an unusable item but I think all is well.  If not we're out $450.
The couple that sold it to us said they'd bought it used, in Sept.  for a niece who had a soccor injury.  They put it in Chris' car for us and when we got home Chris backed up to the block wall in front of the apt and the height was perfect.
I took it for an intial spin, out to Huebner, almost to Bandera but a pole blocked me from continuing but I may be able to get past it if Chris moves the right arm in a bit.
Met Tina, the other "baby" of the Villa's.  She is also 56.  Says there is a new guy who is 55 so we aren't the youngest here anymore.
Also met Liz, I think was her name.  Tall beautiful woman who has a 7 lb.teacup chihuahua that has a  wicked deep bark.  Adorable.
Sat outside most of the day while Brye and Tope cooked.  I made German Potato Salad this morning and now I'm tapped out even though I probably slept 16 hours last night ~ on and off, of course.
Facetimed with Bran and Megs.  Talked to Miz for a bit.  Read a bunch and almost ready to sleep yet again.

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