Sunday, April 6, 2014

No scooter yet.   Supposedly I need to pay $600 if I want one, which is half the cost of a cheapie model.  I don't have $600.

Chris borrowed an electric wheelchair from Janine at work but it needs a charging cord.  
That will cost $350 (non-returnable) and no guarantee the chair will work if we get it.
Looks like I'll have to look for a used one on Craigslist or at a pawn shop.  I just can't walk more than a few feet without wanting to pass out.

Dr. appointments this week with Garcia and Saigal plus two acupuncture appointments.
Christa, Avery and MaryEllen came for the weekend and Brianna and Anthony are coming on Tuesday.  Margo and the boys are also supposed to stop in.

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