Saturday, October 6, 2012

Had to pick up more of the Lovenox, another $1700 billed to BC/BS. Asked the pharmacist about the bruising and he said there is nothing I can do about it.

Did my good deed for the day and met a nice neighbor, Angie. I saw her walking on Culebra on my way to get the script and was surprised to see her on 1560, near the creek, on the way home. I think I scared her a little when I stopped to give her a ride but it was hot and she was far from home. Turned out she lives at the corner. I gave her my name and number and told her to call me any weekend when she needs a ride.

Christa ", Ro and the girls came for a visit. Ro moved all the packed boxes for me. Would have taken me all day.  It is so nice to have the girls here. 

Chris picked up a pulse oximeter for me when he went grocery shopping on his way home from Wimberely (Pleasanton this morning) .  My SAT rate stayed up in the high 90's if I wasn't moving.  Down to 92 climbing the stairs and 87 after a coughing fit. 
Made mac salad, hot dogs and beans for the kids, at their request.

Got my car inspected on Thursday night and Moses, the manager was asking me about my oxygen.  He said his sister, Melissa was diagnosed with Lupus this past week. Her symptoms sound a lot like mine.  She is on oxygen, has 45% lung capacity but  is not doing well.  Supposedly the doctors will tell her what her prognosis is later this week.  He is so worried about her.  I promised to call her and offer any support I can.  I called and left a message, inviting her to the Better Breathers Meeting on Tues. but I haven't heard from her. 

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