Thursday, October 11, 2012

Saw Mathai today

Flu and pertussis shots and she checked me for diabetes because of the steroids and weight gain. All is well.
Stopped at Marx's office to check on the Reclast infusion and was told BC BS is stalling the approval.  Like I would have a useless procedure done just to waste their money!?!?!?!

Have to call about getting a portable oxygen unit for just in case we lose power over the recovery period.  Don't know how my lungs will react to no extra oxygen.

Pissed that I didn't hear from Malve's office and when I called at 4:00 the surgery still wasn't scheduled yet. 

Stopped at Copenhagen on the way home and looked at chairs I can live in for recovery,
Found one I love but it is $795 and the ottoman is another $295.  Not now.

Walked in on Chris talking to Brandy.  She is coming on Tues and apparently AnnMarie is coming the following week also.  I love that they want to be here but they really can't afford it.  I hate to cost them money even though I'd love to have them here.

Romes for dinner because I was too lazy to cook.

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