Thursday, October 11, 2012

Saw The Surgeon

Spent three hours talking with the surgeon, Dr Malve, and now Chris finally understands why they may never know the reason or cause of my lung issues,
The fibrosis is the end stage of whatever is going on with my lungs.  The Lupus or whatever ever connective tissue disease I have may or may not be causing the lung issues. The doctor said that it could be my lungs are just super sensitive to some allergen, Possibly dust from bird excretion. Which is really weird.

The biopsy will at least give us a new starting place for future treatment or it will tell us that we just have to treat the symptoms until I can lose weight and be put on a waiting list for a transplant.

We are trying to schedule the biopsy for Monday or Tuesday so I can be home for the weekend and then hopefully for just another few days. I HATE taking time off from work.  Being there keeps me going.  I can't sit around the house all day and vegetate.

Not looking forward to the pain but it will be worth it if we can get answers.
Rather than using a scope it will be an open lung biopsy because then he doesn't have to collapse the lung.  It isn't as ideal as the other because he can see less of the area he has to biopsy from but since I am on oxygen already it is his only choice.

He stated that of all the surgeries he does a lung biopsy scares him the most because of the complications that can develop.

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