Thursday, October 18, 2012


Apparently I was coherent enough to make a journal entry but I don't remember doing it or getting out of bed on Tuesday at all. .

 I was moved out of the ICU around midnight and over to what they called a step down unit on the 4th floor. Had a roommate who has diabetes and had a liver infection. She went home on Wednesday. Her name is Sharon and she calles her liver Cynthia. LOL

Chris, Brandy, Megan and Brye spent most of Wednesday with me and I remember little of the day. I do remember my 3rd IV fslling out in the morning and I refused to let them put in another. Got 10mg of Norco around 10AM and another 10 in the evening. Nothing for pain on Thursday because it only hurt when I moved.

Saw both Malve and Marks on Wed (don't remember Tues at all) and they agreed I could stay until Thurs to get some good rest. Great bed that allowed me to sit up and sleep. .

Little bit of a rough night. They moved someone in at about midnight and back out by early morning. Of course they turned on all the lights and the tv. Even the Norco didn't keep me asleep. .

Released around 2:00. Chris dropped me off and went to see Dr Stanley. He probably tore his achalies tendon. So what's new... Spent the afternoon sitting outside listening to Brandy tell me I HAD to keep my oxygen on even lf my SAT rate was 99.                          

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