Saturday, October 20, 2012


MRI for Chris's ankle. So frustrated I could scream. Between that and the non help today. I'll ask Margo to read it.

Brandy helps with what she thinks we need not what we say we need or ask for.

We eat wrong. Wheat rolls bought because they are better for us. They'll go into the garbage. I shouldn't use milk in a recipe that calls for milk because it is bad for me. No coffee, it restricts the blood flow.
I shouldn't wash my hair in the kitchen sink where i barely have to bend over. I should contort myself to do it in the bathroom.I kept having to ask for more shampoo because I was using too much. Actually I shouuldn't be doing it at all. So what if my head itches from five days of sweat. I want to sob because NOTHING I say makes her happy.
Chris dumped the Perier water because it was flat. Shouldn't have done that.
We have a lot of alachol in the garage fridge. Ice cream too!

Having someone help is great if they can get you what you ask for or do what you need done but hesitating because what you ask for is "wrong" is just too frustrating. Easier to be alone and cope. I've made all but one meal since getting home. Chris cant walk and moans constantly. He offers to get up but moans the whole time. He won't see a rhumotologist even though Dr Curtis told him his shoulder was probably destroyed because of RA (and most likely his other tears of tendons were a result of something like that too. He tears too often from doing NOTHING.

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