Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Really frurstrating day

I went to PT and it felt SO good to actually exercise a little but it sure didn't last long. Ten minutes on a stationary bike and I had to keep going slower and slower because my SAT rate kept dropping under 92.
Next was 10 minutes on the arm bike which I love, then ten on this machine where you lay on your back with your feet up against the wall and push your weight up while raising your arms above your head. I loved it and it was just too darn easy and my SAT rate was ok so I asked to stay on it and have a little increase in weight.
Had to stop after 5 minutes because I dropped to 83. Therapist couldn't believe I wasn't feeling my lungs stress but it was no worse than walking upstairs. Actually a lot less strenous.
I was advised to buy a pulse oximeter and use it often because obviously I'm not listening to my body enough. I am so damn frustrated I want to sob.

Called Marks's office to get the results of my last pulmonary tests and to find out the status of the lung biopsy and haven't gotten a return call from him or Michael. Will call again tomorrow.
Talked to Sharon about dietary restrictions and she said that yes, I can eat dark green veggies I just can't stop (or start) eating different foods suddenly because it will mess with the meds. Consistancy helps. I see Rao on Thursday to see how I'm doing with the Lovenox and Welfarin. My stomach looks like someone beat me.

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