Saturday, November 3, 2012

Good week but hard day

I had a really good week. I'm off the Lovenox again. INR is 2.3 but my ankle is a mess from dropping an almost empty jar on it. I can't believe how black and blue it is.

Had a very hard night sleeping. I took 15 mg of Norco which should have made me pain free and sleepy but it didn't.

Got out of bed at 8:30 with a headache and alternate between the sweats and freezing. The bottom of my feet are even wet and it is 73 degrees in here!

Also getting those weird leg blisters again but in a higher place on the inside of my left calf. Bigger than before with some little tiny ones pluse my regular spot just above my right inside ankle.

I really feel horrible today. Weak and in a bad headspace.

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