Sunday, November 4, 2012

Talked with Sharon and she gave me the number for a respritory rehab program at Baylor that is supposed to be one of the best. I'll talk to Marks about it next week.

Seeing Rao on Thurs after I FINALLY have the Reclast infusion at Marx's office that morning. I have to remember to ask about the weird blistering.

My left nipple is still hurting. I think maybe Malve hit a nerve when he did the biopsy. The incision is healing wonderfully. Hardly hurts at all but my nipple is killing me.

Didn't sleep well again last night. Up from about 12:30 to 2:00. Up at 7:00.

Chris had a 10AM appt then home to watch football. 5PM appt. near home and off tomorrow. He saw Stanley and is in a walking boot for 6 to 8 weeks for the tendopothy in his right ankle. Paced too much in sneakers while I was in the hospital.

I talked with Miss Æmilia and she was concerned that I'm still working. She asked how I was feeling and I told her I was fine. She replied "Grandma, I don't believe you." I adore that child. She is so adult it is funny. I miss her and Gareth so much. I wish they lived closer or that we could take living in PA.

Danielle is coming on Tuesday; maybe... she texts me at least three times changing days every time she comes. I think it is funny. I always tell her just come when you can. I don't care as long as the dusting and vacuuming gets done every few weeks.

here is a picture of Miss Megan that made me smile today:

The boys and I voted on Wed (Obama) so we don't have to worry about that this week.
Halloween wasn't as much fun as usual because I didn't have a stash of kids books to give out. I have to start collecting for next year.

Spent the evening on the porch giving out candy to little princeses and super heros. Also watching to make sure that Mr Pediman (Jay from across the street) didn't show up. That man gives me the creeps.

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