Friday, November 23, 2012

Ok Thanksgiving. Found a new hospital to use.

Christa made a great ham, potato, stuffing, green bean dinner. Brye made her cucumber salad and I roasted a turkey upside down. Great gravy drippings. Will do it that way again. Pie for dessert.

We finally convinced Chris to go to get checked out around 4:30, after he moaned and didn't get up out of his chair all day. He kept saying he didn't want to ruin our day but it was obvious he was in a lot of pain. We were ALL frustrated with him

I was still wheezing pretty bad so B took him. She was looking for the TX Med Clinic she said is on Westover Hills. Not sure there is even one over there. Found a new Baptist Emergency Hosrital on 151 that opened last week.

They did a CT scan of his upper body and he just had a bruised chest and enflamed tendon in his elbow. Ro's boss couldn't give him the day off so they bathed the kids, took showers and left about 7:00. B had to work at 4AM so I went looking for the hospital. Home around 8:00.

Spent today doing nothing but looking at BC and Pinterest and playing Spider Solitare. Chris talked to the insurance company.

Will life EVER calm down? I want to have a major breakdown but if I cry I'll choke to death. And I wish I was kidding.
Tomorrow has to be better.

Adding pics I like...

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