Saturday, November 24, 2012


to pick up Musinex(sp?)Zyrtek, Stetson and some chocolate, $81 later I stopped at Starbucks and spent another $10 for a frappe for Tope and a pumpkin latte for me. I must be losing my mind to throw money away like that but I feel like crap and don't care.
Neighbors to the right have a beautiful sparkley yard
to rival what we usually do and Tim & Tanya have a "Tiny" blow up Christmas dog. It can rival the real Tiny!

Chris wants to get a Christmas tree even though I want to skip it this year. He said I could decorate it any way I want and he won't give me a hard time. Mom agreed with me... he thinks I'm dying. The boy does not give up the remote or the Christmas tree without a fight. lol

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