Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Can It Get Much Worse?

Started out an ok day. The cortisone shot helped the lungs a bit and I'm not wheezing. Took the guys to Gymboree then came home, put them in for a nap, straightened the kitchen then Danny told me to go home. Off Friday and maybe watch the kids one night next week.

Stomach flu for Chris and he totaled the car on the way home because of it. He canceled his last appointment and was on his way home because he kept throwing up. Made it almost to Braun and totaled the car. Pushed one guy into another and neither car had much damage at all. No tickets. Probably because he was hurt. Nice people all around.

Christa and Ro had taken the Caddy to HEB and I was watching the kids. They came home and Ro and I went to get Chris. Ro was great and loaded and unloaded the truck. Don't know how all that stuff was in the Fit.

Got home where Chris couldn't stop throwing up. Need to get the carpets cleaned soon as he couldn't move from his chair. He refuses to go to get checked because he says the flu will confuse the results. Not happy about that at all.

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