Saturday, December 29, 2012

Busy Day

Chris had two appts so he's gone all day. Sold a $13,000 job and is on the way to his 2nd appt. at 5:00 for flooring.
Woman came to pick up the Cusinart coffee maker I listed on Freecycle.og. No show on the mattress so I have to relist it.

Made stuffing and a pot of potato soup, in the new crockpot, along with some peach and raspberry filled filo for Brye who is really sick with the flu.
Watched some Supernanny & Storage Wars episodes while doing a few loads of wash and cleaning up the kitchen.

Breathing is not great today. Having to take lots of breaks even though I have the oxygen on.

Edit at 10:45 Chris sold his second job too. A $28,000 day! Woohoo! Windows and a French door on a front door appt. He came home with some great Alabama Sausage from the Conecuh Sausage Company, a cross and a box of Russel Strover.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Pulmonary Tests again yesterday

Over all most of my lung funtions are down between 14 and 18% since last tested in Sept.
I think the bronchitis last month pretty much did me in.
OLC is 51% Did 3 minutes of a 6 minute walking test w/oxygen and my SAT rate went down to 83. Oddette ordered me continous flow oxygen so hopefully I'll get the portable concentrator that Providacare keeps telling me they will get for me.
My new sewing/embroidery machine came in today! Can't wait to try it out tomorrow when I have some energy.
Got out of work at 4 and wanted to get Chris another birthday present but the people I ordered his CarGo desk from still haven't credited my checking account. Left a fairly nasty message again. The bank can't do anything to help. I should have used a charge card.

Put out the old Cusinart coffee maker for pick up. I listed it and the mattress on Freecycle. Chris swears no one will show up.

He is watching Bond movies yet again and I'm on here and playing Spider Solitare.

EDIT How could I not write about Christmas?

Worked until 4 on Christmas Eve. They gave me an Ipad Mini!!!! I was floored. Messed me up a bit though because I had Chris's Escort Radar Detector on hold at Best Buy. Didn't get my usual check so I had to borrow money from him to buy it.
Then the car desk I ordered isn't available until Feb AND they alreqdy took the funds for it so I'm totally broke and didn't get him another B.Day present.

Looked at a house on the 26th. Great layout but too worn. Stopped at Cupcake Coutour for a German Chocolate Birthday cupcake on the way home.

Chris, as usual bought me way too much for Christmas. A Kurig, two sets of pj's, a wonderful robe that is satin on the outside and soft furry on the inside.And the sewing machine.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Alida Knobloch

When I start feeling sorry for myself I need to think of this little girl.
She is three and has a service dog that carries her oxygen tank.

Going To A Party

We haven't been out socially in so long I can't even remember the last time.
Tonight we are going to meet the people Chris works with. I'm hoping everyone will just ignore my oxygen tubing and not look at me with pity. I hate that.

Saw Chung last night and he gave me a big hug and wished me a happy holiday. I forgot to bring him the list of places he has to visit next month when he takes his sabatical before moving to Austin and buying a new house. We talked about how he understands why people want fireplaces even though TX is so hot. He talked about having family gathering around a nice fire at holiday time. I doubt he is Christian so I guess it is more the family togetherness.

Hoping Karen gets her licence fast or that Scott can fit me in on his schedule.
My hands were so tight last night that the needles bent when Chung tried to put them in nearmy thumbs. Had to actually pull them out hard at the end.

Spent the day being lazy. Watched recorded "Long Island Medium" until 10 when the guy from Airtron came to clean the A/C. Chris left at 12 for an appointment and I sat my fat ass in the recliner and watched "Undercover Boss", "Health Inspectors" and "Big Rich Texas". Hegot home at 5 and the remote sucked out of my hand and we watched "Scrooge" with Patrick Stewart.

Remember These Faces

These are just two of the faces of the little ones that were shot up to 11 times each last Friday!
Yes, a mentally unstable young man did it but he wouldn't have been able to had he not had easy access to assult guns!
What does anyone need a gun like that for? Hunting rifels are much harder to hide and hunters use them for a good reason but NO ONE should be able to easily (or un easily, be able to get guns!
The NRA supposedly has 4 million members but only 1 million Facebook "likes" which is supposedly a good measure of public opnion.
Every member of the NRA should be approached by a crazy with an assult weapon and then lets see how they feel about making them so readily available.

My heart is bleeding for those babies and their families. We need to stop assult weapons from being so easy to aquire.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Margo Bought Me A Christmas Moose!

I love it! She got one at Pier One and I just love it. Stopped at the store on Bandera last week but they didn't have any then I forgot she told me they had them at a store on 281. Today she got me one.
He makes me smile.
I keep saying I don't want more "stuff" but I love him.
Margo buys the best gifts. She has given me my favorite blanket, a great frother that I'd still be too cheap to buy even though I love it and now Mr Moose.

Wicked time breathing today. Have had to use the oxygen all day.
Took the boys to Gymboree then came home to pick up Christmas lights for one of the girls at Gymboree.
Delivered the lights then back to the house to say hi to mom before she went to work
No nap but watched "Up" to calm Nathan down. He is like a hurricane lately.

Home to wait for a guy who is supposed to pick up the big storage bin that Chris had in his truck. Talked to his son who is in FL. Dad was supposed to be here around 6:30. I figured 7:30. 10PM and still not here. Going to bed in a few.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Forget Gun Control ~ Outlaw Gun Ownership!

Skyped with Gareth and AEmilia. I miss them so much.

The little girl who was one of 28 killed in a school shooting on Friday in Newtown CT looks just like AJ and I can't get her face out of my brain.
I keep having crying jags which make me choke. I feel so bad for all those families.
Everyone who belongs to the NRA should be shot and then lets see how much support there is for letting people get their hands on automatic weapons.
Guns need to be outlawed.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Not A Bad Week

Gymboree on Monday and Wed. Was offered a front desk job after my transplant if I'd like.
School on Tues & Thurs. and brought the boys home to decorate the tree on Friday. I love those babes. They keep me laughing.
Saw the corner of Babcoak and Fred three times this week.
Picked up Hooters wings on Monday (crappy) Went that way on Tues to go to Sears Ingram to get a tree and Wed came home on Wurzbach after seeing Chung.

Still coughing like a maniac and needing my oxygen but I feel better than the last few weeks.

Packed up the houses for the kids. Have to get them mailed.

Sitting tonight for Margos Christmas party. Home just before midnight.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Rough Night

I have to get some sleep that doesn't involve being up every few hours or just happening when I am totally exhausted.
Went from chair to floor to chair last night. Found out the alarm rings for just over two hours. lol

I started some wash, cleaned up the kitchen and brought all the Christmas houses in from the garage. Have to box them up to send up to PA and to FL for the babes.
Have to get to the store and return the pillow covers I bought. They stink so bad. Also have to return the razor Tope bought.
Need to buy a lap blanket, some new shirts, salt for the softener and some containers or baskets for organizing.

Movies to see:
The Guilt Trip
and Parental Guidance
his Is 40 ~ but some commercials look good, others horrible.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Need To Write Notes

to my babies. I feel like I HAVE to let themknow how much I love them and I;m sorry that I can't/couldn't be with them more.
I know they won't remember me because I don't even remember Grandma Anne well and she died when I was 13. I just doubt I'll make it until any of the little ones are that old.
AEmilia and Gareth are so sensative at times. I hate when Ann gets loud with them. It really seems to scare them, I never want them to feel fear about what they are doing.
Miss Megan will probably never remember me at all. She is so happy and so sweet. I hope it continues that way. Bran is so great with her but the problems she and Jay have about her not going back to work right away may cause big problems if Jay doesn't grow up real fast.
Ari and Ev will still have Chris to be a great grandpa for them. I wish the other kids lived close enough for that but I doubt they'll see him after I'm gone, He barely gets to see them now.
Oh well, it is 1 AM and I need sleep not morose thoughts. I just miss them all so much right now.

Finally Feeling A Little Better

I think the "flu" or bronchitis or whatever may finally be going away. Finished the antibiotics on Monday and not dragginf quite as much.

Tope is in Corpus for the week.

Lost my brakes on the way home from the boys school so Danny came home and let me find a place to get the car fixed.
Made it to the Goodyear on NW Military and they checked it out, Aparently my left front brake line rusted through and they have to fabricate a new one because Cadillac isn't making the part available anymore. He could get the left side but that one looks fine,

Car still wasn't done today. The boys and I used Danny's Tahoe to go to my house to pick up my checkbook and charges and go get the car seats. Brye picked me up from work and will help me out tomorrow, We both have appts. with Rao at 10. Mine for my INR hers for results of her head CT. Danny will take me tomorrow evening to get my car.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hard Week

Still sick so I called Odette on Monday and got another script for Ampicillin. Thursday appt to check my INR (2.29) but she thought my lungs were crackling so over to Baptist for an x-ray. Walked in as they called Backer.
Brye and I went for coffee after my xray and her head CT.What a pair...
Met Chris at aIPAC on 410 and wanted to just lose it on the way home. He was going to buy a Caravan. Can you say "Mom Car" Hated it. Couldn't get into it without pulling myself up. Better than the Journey he liked but not by much.
Dragged through Friday. Thankfully he went looking at Gunn GMC and bought a Terrain. Nice vehicle. Fully loaded and they gave him $16,000 for the truck. Cut our payments in half. and got a nice vehicle.

Spent today dragging around the house.