Saturday, December 22, 2012

Remember These Faces

These are just two of the faces of the little ones that were shot up to 11 times each last Friday!
Yes, a mentally unstable young man did it but he wouldn't have been able to had he not had easy access to assult guns!
What does anyone need a gun like that for? Hunting rifels are much harder to hide and hunters use them for a good reason but NO ONE should be able to easily (or un easily, be able to get guns!
The NRA supposedly has 4 million members but only 1 million Facebook "likes" which is supposedly a good measure of public opnion.
Every member of the NRA should be approached by a crazy with an assult weapon and then lets see how they feel about making them so readily available.

My heart is bleeding for those babies and their families. We need to stop assult weapons from being so easy to aquire.

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