Monday, December 17, 2012

Margo Bought Me A Christmas Moose!

I love it! She got one at Pier One and I just love it. Stopped at the store on Bandera last week but they didn't have any then I forgot she told me they had them at a store on 281. Today she got me one.
He makes me smile.
I keep saying I don't want more "stuff" but I love him.
Margo buys the best gifts. She has given me my favorite blanket, a great frother that I'd still be too cheap to buy even though I love it and now Mr Moose.

Wicked time breathing today. Have had to use the oxygen all day.
Took the boys to Gymboree then came home to pick up Christmas lights for one of the girls at Gymboree.
Delivered the lights then back to the house to say hi to mom before she went to work
No nap but watched "Up" to calm Nathan down. He is like a hurricane lately.

Home to wait for a guy who is supposed to pick up the big storage bin that Chris had in his truck. Talked to his son who is in FL. Dad was supposed to be here around 6:30. I figured 7:30. 10PM and still not here. Going to bed in a few.

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