Saturday, December 29, 2012

Busy Day

Chris had two appts so he's gone all day. Sold a $13,000 job and is on the way to his 2nd appt. at 5:00 for flooring.
Woman came to pick up the Cusinart coffee maker I listed on Freecycle.og. No show on the mattress so I have to relist it.

Made stuffing and a pot of potato soup, in the new crockpot, along with some peach and raspberry filled filo for Brye who is really sick with the flu.
Watched some Supernanny & Storage Wars episodes while doing a few loads of wash and cleaning up the kitchen.

Breathing is not great today. Having to take lots of breaks even though I have the oxygen on.

Edit at 10:45 Chris sold his second job too. A $28,000 day! Woohoo! Windows and a French door on a front door appt. He came home with some great Alabama Sausage from the Conecuh Sausage Company, a cross and a box of Russel Strover.

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