Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Finally Feeling A Little Better

I think the "flu" or bronchitis or whatever may finally be going away. Finished the antibiotics on Monday and not dragginf quite as much.

Tope is in Corpus for the week.

Lost my brakes on the way home from the boys school so Danny came home and let me find a place to get the car fixed.
Made it to the Goodyear on NW Military and they checked it out, Aparently my left front brake line rusted through and they have to fabricate a new one because Cadillac isn't making the part available anymore. He could get the left side but that one looks fine,

Car still wasn't done today. The boys and I used Danny's Tahoe to go to my house to pick up my checkbook and charges and go get the car seats. Brye picked me up from work and will help me out tomorrow, We both have appts. with Rao at 10. Mine for my INR hers for results of her head CT. Danny will take me tomorrow evening to get my car.

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