Saturday, December 15, 2012

Not A Bad Week

Gymboree on Monday and Wed. Was offered a front desk job after my transplant if I'd like.
School on Tues & Thurs. and brought the boys home to decorate the tree on Friday. I love those babes. They keep me laughing.
Saw the corner of Babcoak and Fred three times this week.
Picked up Hooters wings on Monday (crappy) Went that way on Tues to go to Sears Ingram to get a tree and Wed came home on Wurzbach after seeing Chung.

Still coughing like a maniac and needing my oxygen but I feel better than the last few weeks.

Packed up the houses for the kids. Have to get them mailed.

Sitting tonight for Margos Christmas party. Home just before midnight.

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