Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hard Week

Still sick so I called Odette on Monday and got another script for Ampicillin. Thursday appt to check my INR (2.29) but she thought my lungs were crackling so over to Baptist for an x-ray. Walked in as they called Backer.
Brye and I went for coffee after my xray and her head CT.What a pair...
Met Chris at aIPAC on 410 and wanted to just lose it on the way home. He was going to buy a Caravan. Can you say "Mom Car" Hated it. Couldn't get into it without pulling myself up. Better than the Journey he liked but not by much.
Dragged through Friday. Thankfully he went looking at Gunn GMC and bought a Terrain. Nice vehicle. Fully loaded and they gave him $16,000 for the truck. Cut our payments in half. and got a nice vehicle.

Spent today dragging around the house.

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